
The challenge of this essay was to tell a story in 100 words or less. This was immensely difficult for me! Pithy is not my specialty, but an exercise like this is good for learning to delete uneeded words and to get to the point already. This piece is exactly 100 words. Success!


The South Georgia sun sits heavy on my skin as I follow an ant trail along the towering brick wall. Crouching here, eye level there, I stretch taller, I shrink down. The space between bricks creates an ongoing path meandering around the house and back again.

I am eight, visiting my grandparents without my parents for the first time. A whole week.

Breakfast made then Grandfather off to work, and now Grandmother spends the morning

reading the newspaper while lying on the living room couch. Sections strewn about. 

I fill my long days with the business of following endless ants.


Three Stops Along River Road in Columbus, Georgia